“Inner work is the prerequisite for outer effectiveness.”

Dr Scilla Elworthy

Who are you?

Maybe you are a wondering if it is all worth it, the worry, trying to please everyone and thinking you are falling short?

Maybe you feel that you are on a giant hamster wheel, churning, turning, doing, it is relentless, exhausting.

Maybe it is true for you, maybe it is something else?

Maybe you have landed your dream role and desire to be the best possible leader for your dream team?

However you identify, whatever the position you find yourself in, you are wholly, perfectly, wonderfully human. People are people are people. You are not alone in your dreams, desires, feelings, thoughts and goals.

You are a leader, mum, dad, daughter, manager, son, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, executive, athlete, business owner, whoever you are, I see you, I know you and I’ve got you.

How can I help?


What is TRTP™ ?

It is an elegant and profoundly life changing process. Read more below.

Leadership Development

What are the benefits? Read the FAQ’s below.

Merely Survive or THRIVE.

You have the power to choose.

What is TRTP?

TRTP™ is a Revolutionary Process that resolves anxiety, depression, PTSD and other trauma-related issues in 3 steps.

It is a dynamic, rich and sequenced series of steps, which, if separated would not be anywhere near as powerful. It is unique. It allows space for the individual client’s needs to be met.

The TRTP™ model views the cause of anxiety, depression, PTSD and most other mental health issues, if not caused by physical illness or brain injury, as being caused by unresolved distressing events from the past.

It is safe, the client is not re-traumatised and it is accessible 100% online, taking away the boundaries of location, distance and time.

Read the testimonials below and for more information go to https://trtptherapy.com/

Unresolved distressing events in our lives can appear in many ways.

“Eventually they will realise I am a fraud, that I am not cut out for this job.”

“I am so busy, I can’t think straight.”

“What’s the point in saying anything, no one listens to me.”

“Who cares if I turn up or not, I don’t matter in this organisation.”

A feeling of a tightness, a weight on your chest when you wake up in the morning.

A racing heart that feels like you have sprinted 100 meters and all you are doing is sitting at your desk waiting for that meeting with your manager.

You are in a meeting and the voices in the room get louder, stronger, it is a robust debate and you begin to feel small, to want to run out the door, escape.

You look at the To Do List, and can’t seem to know where to start.

Social events with friends, family or work colleagues fill you with dread, you politely decline invitations, saying you are “too tired”, “busy at work”, when the truth is you want to curl up, block out the world and be left alone.

You are sensitive to loud noises, making you jump from the shock.

All of these and more are signs that your body, conscious and unconscious mind are out of sync. The unresolved issue in your unconscious mind overruling any suggestion by your conscious mind to “get on with it”.

The solution is TRTP. Simple, Safe, Profound, Unique, Successful.

Leadership development - FAQ’s

What’s the ROI on leadership development?

It depends, perhaps there is a specific element of the organisation that requires support, for example the retention rate. The ROI would include the measure of recruitment costs, the cost of the development training, the retention rate, and employee engagement. The result improves not only the financial bottom line, it improves employee moral, engagement and the flow on effect includes improved productivity, improved customer service, and greater resilience to change. The greatest reward for investing in leadership development is the acknowledgement to your staff that they are worthy of investment, that is GOLD, and the secret to the success of major organisations globally.

Is Leadership development only for executives?

Everyone benefits from leadership development. All of us will at sometime will find ourselves needing to have a difficult conversation, make decisions that impact us and others, manage our time more efficiently, find our voice in the team, find ourselves in conflict, negotiate a pay increase, understand why you are reacting adversely to certain behavior, navigate our emotions, learn how to manage our task list, set priorities, develop a broader view of what is around us. Learning how to lead ourselves is the foundation that will enable us to lead from a place of knowing. The alternative is that we experience life as a sequence of “doings”, continually reacting to the same things in the same way, eventually we will find yourself asking “who am I and how did I get here?”

Why is Leadership Development important?

Becoming a better leader will create a better future for others. The influence of leaders is profound, locally or globally, through them the course of our future is set. Poor leadership is undeniably impactful on the vulnerable, it denies people equity, equality, and maintains the status quo, retaining the balance of power to themselves and others like them. Great leaders come from a mindset of being “of service” they empower, embolden, desire a sustainable future and have the creative capacity to invent the future that seeks a long-term common good. Leaders appointed purely on competency and capability is not enough in our current complex environment. “leading from the head” has transitioned to an urgent need to lead with authenticity and from the heart. The imperative to a thriving community is for leaders to develop courage, compassion, character and consciousness. The future depends on it, for the grandchildren of the grandchildren yet to come.

When is the best time to start leadership development?

Now is a GREAT time to start developing as a leader. Tenure does not create leadership ability, nor does title and seniority. John Wooden the UCLA Basketball coach said, “When opportunity comes, it’s too late to prepare.” Whether you are a student in high school, a coach of the local football team, preparing to step up into a more responsible role, recently promoted, the self awareness and skills you will learn will transform all aspects of your life, your relationships, your sense of wellbeing,

Leadership Development Menu

  • Do you have a mountain to climb? Maybe the 3 Stack Session Pack is what you need to prepare you for your goal. Packaged as 3 one to one, 90 minutes sessions, we will kick start your imagination for success.

  • Maybe you are seeking deep and transformational change. Your soul craves adventure, your mind craves safety and your heart desires gratitude and harmony. As a leader, how do you resolve the complexity of the reactive "busy" doing with the knowing that sustainable leadership is what the world needs from you. The "How to Lead Yourself" suite will give you the strategies so that you can lead well, for yourself and for others. A package that is designed to support the whole you. Mind, body and spirit.

  • How can I help? Let's connect, I would love to hear about what your goals, desires, hopes and dreams are. In thirty minutes we can ignite the passion that sits within you. It's FREE either on line or face to face. Send me a message, I can't wait to meet you.

  • Leadership is a practice. In our sessions, one to one, I will lead you through the practices that will transform your leadership from the reactive to creative. For it is the creative mind that has the capacity to cope in these complex times. You will develop skills that will lift your leadership effectiveness, gain self awareness and tools that will take you anywhere you choose.

  • Feeling adventurous? Can't find what you are looking for here? Allow me to curate something special, just for you. Curious? Anything is possible.

Working with Mim


I was diagnosed with post-natal depression 17 years ago and then anxiety on top of that about 3 years ago. So have been on medication for nearly 20 years. 

My horses were my go to when i was having a bad day, and when i became anxious around them i knew something wasn't right.  Couldn't figure out why the thing that made me forget about all the bad things, ended up being another trigger for my anxiety. 

I had read about Miriam and the TRTP method on facebook and felt i had to give it a go as i didnt want to be medicated for the rest of my life, especially because i felt it really wasn't helping at all, as i was getting worse not better. 

All i can say is that it has changed my life. Miriam was so professional and made me feel very safe and calm through the whole process. 

The symptoms of my anxiety and depression have now gone, I feel so confident in my day to day life and most importantly i am back riding my horses. I totally recommend TRTP, it is truly amazing and it will change your life. 

  • M

    Sometimes in life a curve ball trips us up and sends our minds it a downward spin. I had been fighting this downward spin for around 18 months when I reached out to Mim. I had a feeling Mim was someone I could trust to help the damaging spinning in my head. I’m so glad that I reached out, after going through TRTP with Mim I have a very different and positive hum in my head and I know I am a worthy person capable of great things. I can’t thank Mim enough for the reset and clarity I have had since working with her.

    What I really like is that it’s not just the sessions and then it is over, I love the tools that you are left with. They help to identify and react to things that might otherwise occupy too much head space.

    Thank you Mim, I’m a much happier person since our sessions.

  • J

    I found out about TRTP at a point in my life where I couldn’t see a way to break free of certain things that kept happening in my life. I knew nothing about it and I met with Miriam and upon talking to her I knew this was for me.

    Miriam is very caring, understanding and the whole process I felt comfortable.

    The outcome has changed my life, I feel so empowered and full of possibilities and this has definitely changed my life for the better. I see things so much clearer now.

    All I can say is if you are stuck and not sure what to do next, then do TRTP with Miriam.


As a driven high achiever, I was surprised when I found myself feeling inadequate, questioning my decisions, questioning my ability, experiencing panic attacks and I felt like I was forever waiting for someone to point out that I am not capable to do the job. The tightness in my chest every morning a stress response and before I knew I was on anxiety medication. 

Being in the C Suite is an incredible experience, I thrived on the complexity, the diversity, leading a large organisation was everything I had hoped for and more. I was THRIVING at work. And all it took was one event and it all started to crumble; I couldn’t seem to resolve the impact that it had on me. In my mind I started to shut down. To anyone else, I looked and sounded like the capable, competent high achiever. Except then people started to notice, I was withdrawing from conversations, arriving late, not contributing in a way that I had in the past. The event that had occurred years ago, had built up like pressure in a balloon and popped out as anxiety and now it was impacting my career and impacting my relationships outside work. I had read every self-help book you can buy, they just made me feel even worse about myself, I had been to counselling, heck I am an intelligent person, I should have been able to “Just get over it” and I couldn’t, I tried, I tried, and I cried myself to sleep wondering if I would get through the pain.

I needed help. 

The TRTP process was recommended to me by someone I trusted. What did I have to lose? I was tired of feeling the way that I was, I wanted my life back, I wanted to feel happy, calm, to show up as the competent, compassionate, and visionary leader, the caring friend, the loving partner.

Within six weeks I was transformed, the safe, elegant process that was completed over three sessions turned my life around. I am now thriving in both my career and personal life. The anxiety had disappeared, the emotional charge of that event and others from all those years ago, disintegrated into dust. What I am noticing is that it doesn’t just happen there and then, the benefits evolve and continue well beyond the initial sessions, it just gets better and better.

Get in touch for a free 30 minute strategy session.