Meditation, does it work?

My intuition was telling me that meditation would change my life. My back, knees, hips and legs were telling me, meditation sucks!

It hurts, and all that was coming into my mind is “when will this be over?”, in a loud and pained voice. Vastly different from the expectation of quiet bliss.

The lovely teacher, guiding us with visualisations and music, lost me at “You are entering a forest”

My mind went “hang on, what forest? why are we entering? are we sure its safe in the forest?”

The sound of the forest waterfall spoke softly to my bladder, my conscious mind working hard to overcome the urge to answer the call of the waterfall.

Over the years I have tried, and tried and tried. Meditation was like a secret lover, in the shadows and flirting with my senses, eventually leaving me for another. Alone.

My intellect understood the benefits of meditation.

  • Mental clarity - agility, focus, improved memory, the ability to make accurate decision under pressure.

  • Productivity - proven to boost energy resulting in increased efficiency productivity.

  • Creativity - greater mental capacity leads to creativity, positive solution focused thinking, thinking outside the box.

  • Adaptability - strengthened ability to deal with pressure, challenge and change.

  • Resilience - capacity to recover quickly from mental, physical or emotional overload.

I asked my mentor how I could best prepare for the global Spirit of Humanity Forum that I had been invited to attend in Iceland. Her answer, “Darling, meditate, that is all you need to do.” Arghhhhhh the frustration was pretty high and my intuition was having a quiet chuckle to herself. That forceful element in me, charging forward to find the answer, hadn’t succeeded. So I leaned on my intuition and asked for what I needed. A simple mediation method that would deliver the benefits to my mind, body and soul, that placed no expectations or preferences on my performance.

Like a miracle, Laura Tilley came into my circle of influence. We were both attending the Impact Solutions International Advanced Leadership and Consultants training course. Laura is a qualified meditation practitioner and graciously offered to teach the 1 Giant Mind Meditation technique to our leadership team.

“There is no focus, control, or trying to stop your thoughts - it is about effortlessly letting go” says Laura on her website

Also this method is transferable anywhere, wherever you may be. Maybe you are sitting in the car in the line at school pick-up, or at the kid’s footy game. You could be sitting on a chair in your garden, or in a medical surgery. The tip I loved was, get comfortable on a chair or lounge as if you are about to binge watch on Netflix.

YES PLEASE ! This sounds much better than sitting on a yoga block, cross legged, wondering if my knees would be able straighten and carry my safely home.

There are many varying forms of meditation, and my message to you is, find what works for you.

Does meditation deliver on its promises?

100% Yes !! It was instrumental in keeping me calm in the leadup to a medical procedure, the medical team commenting on my blood pressure and heart rate being completely normal despite laying on a gurney under bright surgical lights.

Did it prepare me for the Spirit of Humanity Forum? Yes!! I was able to be completely present for the full conference, that allowed for the deep immersion and integration of the teachings that were offered over the 3 days.

Has it improved my clarity of mind, creativity, boost my energy and help with problem solving? 100% Yes! Did I imagine that I would be curating a website and creating engaging content? Not before meditation came along.

If this sounds like something you have been searching for, please contact Laura, she offers meditation retreats, group meditations, private tuition and personalised courses, maybe to learn on your own or together with family and friends.

Laura is the most beautiful, calming and loving human who loves to pass on her Passion for meditation.

Let Laura know I sent you, she would LOVE that we are connected. Mx


Courage compete, courage repeat.